Thursday, July 4, 2013

4th of July weekend.

My granddaughter Avery and I at the Ojai 4th of July Parade.


Celebrating beaches, parades and our American heritage of wild land and horses.

Barry and I took Avery to the Rice Rd. horse stables to visit the horses. We had a great time with a 6 year old horse Deuce who was preparing for practice with his owner for the Santa Barbara Fiesta Parade in August. The owner said she put her niece on a horse at the age of three. Oso Rd. has a wonderful horse camp for kids with Sue Gruber. I'm hoping Avery will still like the big animals  when she is old enough to reach the stirrups. Avery was darling to watch with Deuce, when we left she yelled and waved to the other horses in the stables BYE!!! I'm not a horse owner, it's a big commitment and lifestyle, but I've enjoyed riding friends horses and I did go riding on the beach in the waves with a friend who's ranch happens to be located on the water. Ojai & Ventura is great country for riding.

Debbie Godrey shared photos of her ride at Bates Beach at the RINCON,  Ventura.

Debbie Godfrey  Moe's first time playing in the waves with me. She was so ready to leap back out of the water, but then once she got used to it, she was riding the waves with the rest of us! Quick learner.

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