Thursday, November 29, 2012

New Prospect Friend

I like when my new buyer prospects feel a friend connection.

 Hi Barry & Cathy - Thanks so much for showing me around, for giving me the benefit of
your extensive knowledge of Ojai properties and for showing me an interesting
selection of homes in a variety of areas. I now have a much better idea of what
to expect. Nothing like having my feet on the ground to make sense of it all.
Theresa and I will have much to discuss when I get back!

I went for another walk today, which ended up to be a long one! I started at the
Riverside trail head and decided to take the Will's Creek trail. Well, that
turned into a two and a half hour hike. But it was fantastic. The variety of
hiking opportunities here is unbelievable. The photo's attached is coming down the
west end of the trail.

Talk to you later!

- Steve